1 Cow
Livestock is often a family’s most valuable asset, providing added stability if crops fail or disaster strikes. Fresh milk means a well-balanced diet, and extra income for household needs and school tuition.
1 Lamb or Baby Goat
A lamb or baby goat, when it matures, can be a daily source of nutritious milk. Livestock helps farm families increase their incomes and provide their children with well-rounded diets.
10 Vaccinations
Many children lack access to basic, disease-preventing vaccines and die unnecessarily. Vaccinations for children in remote communities save lives.
2 Bags of Fertilizer
Nutrient-rich fertilizer helps farmers produce higher yields. With the extra food and money, families can afford health care, tuition and other necessities.
12 Fruit Trees for a Family
When families plant fruit trees, they grow nutrition, income and opportunity. Fruit trees are easy to raise and create shade, prevent erosion and improve soil health.
2 Pigs
Pigs are perfect for helping farmers earn more. Rather than requiring pasture, pigs can live in pens and be fed a variety of foods.
Annual Teacher Training
A quality education makes the difference of a lifetime. Catholic Relief Services ensures teachers are up-to-date in their skills by providing annual trainings and support. This pays big dividends in the classroom and attracts top-notch teachers.
Back to School Kit
Many families struggle to pay tuition and can’t afford basic school supplies. Kits include a backpack, uniform and shoes, so boys and girls can go to school equipped to learn.
Raising bees can be very lucrative and requires little space. With a beehive and minimal training, a family can create a successful honey business.
Classroom Desks for 13 Children
Around the world, children gather to learn in crowded classrooms or under trees. A gift of desks gives 13 students clean, comfortable places to work toward success.
Community Fish Pond
A fish pond provides a steady source of protein—improving nutrition and health for a community. It also irrigates crops to give farms a boost, especially in times of drought.
Community Latrine
Latrines and proper sanitation prevent disease and protect underground water reserves. Hygiene kits are also provided, including supplies to keep latrines clean.
Community Watering Station
Watering stations bring clean water to the center of a community. This improves the health of dozens of families and frees up time for women and children who must often walk miles to reach watering holes that may be contaminated.
Counseling for Former Child Soldiers in Africa
Children who have escaped brainwashing, torture and forced combat return home highly traumatized. Counseling helps them re-enter their communities and rebuild their lives.
Emergency Supply and Hygiene Kit
These lifesaving bundles help people survive natural and conflict-driven disasters. Essentials like blankets, flashlights and food, plus hygiene training and supplies, keep displaced families healthy.
Family Wash Kit
Good hygiene can often be the only thing standing between families and deadly but preventable diseases like cholera. Catholic Relief Services provides wash kits and hygiene education as part of our emergency relief efforts for people displaced by natural disaster or conflict.
Fish for a Pond
A stocked fish pond means that a high-protein dinner is just a catch away. Catholic Relief Services helps families stock ponds that feed their families—even when crops fail. Fish also provide another source of income for farmers and better nutrition for the entire community.
Flock of Chickens
Chickens and their eggs provide lifesaving protein for families. Chickens are easy to raise in small yards and can generate income.
Gift of Hope
Our most loyal donors often ask us to use their contributions wherever they are needed most. This gift gives CRS the most flexibility to use your generosity where there is the greatest need.
Your Gift of Hope basket allows CRS to respond quickly, effectively and efficiently to crises around the world—as we have done for over 75 years. This year, CRS will remain among the best humanitarian relief agencies in the world through your gifts and your prayers.
Hand-washing Station
At schools, refugee camps and community centers, hand-washing stations and hygiene classes significantly reduce disease and increase school attendance.
Health Exams for 12 Children
Health exams monitor development and allow health care providers to diagnose and treat diseases, so children can lead healthy, happy lives.
Hearing Aid for 1 Child
Hearing aids make it possible for children with hearing loss to fully participate in school. Children and families also learn how to use and care for their hearing aids.
High School Tuition & Lunch
Often, families can only afford a basic education for their children. With tuition and lunch provided, teenagers who were kept home can now continue to learn.
Household Garden
A household garden provides important nutritional variety to poor families. Catholic Relief Services teaches families how to build keyhole gardens, raised-bed gardens that are specially designed to maintain nutrient-rich soil and stay productive during winter months. They are also easy to tend, even for people with limited mobility.
Modified Bicycle
In many cultures, children with disabilities are ostracized and trapped in their homes. Bikes give children greater independence and help them travel to school.
Mosquito Nets for 2 Families
Malaria is preventable, yet it kills people—most of them children. Insecticide-treated mosquito nets protect families, so they can sleep safely
Prenatal Care
Prenatal care for expectant mothers is critical to the survival of women and their babies. This care includes consultations, immunizations and weight monitoring to ensure babies are born safe and healthy
Prevention Kit
When you give a Prevention Kit, you help stop the spread of deadly diseases like COVID-19. The kit includes hygiene and emergency supplies, a hand-washing station and health exams.
Provide Family Security
Can’t decide what gift to give? Give a Basket of Hope that provides family security. From a microfinance training, a winterization kit and quality seed to mosquito nets and a flock of chickens, your gift can help a family thrive with a secure and sustainable income.
Quality Seed for a Season
Quality seeds become quality crops that resist drought, pests and disease. Seeds fight hunger through the promise of vital nutrition, good health and lasting food security.
Rabbits make more than cuddly pets. The rabbits produce organic manure for home gardens or coffee fields, which improves crop production. Small-scale coffee farmers can receive vouchers at livestock fairs to buy a small animal.
Rebuilding Kit
When homes are badly damaged, Catholic Relief Services helps survivors make them temporarily livable until more permanent repairs or shelter can be provided. From the immediate aftermath of an emergency, CRS works with communities with the goal of moving from relief to sustainable recovery.
Safe Spaces for Children
A gift of safe spaces for refugee children who have been out of school includes classes, organized recreation with other children, and even transportation to the facility. Boys and girls also receive counseling when needed.
Sewing Machine for Entrepreneur
Tools and vocational training— like sewing machines and classes—empower people to earn a living and build a future. Additional adult education and literacy programs also open doors for many women and men around the world.
Student Uniform
In the places Catholic Relief Services works, many families have to pay for their children’s education, which often includes tuition, school supplies and uniforms. Providing a school uniform will get a child off to a fresh start and free up family resources for other expenses, like tuition and books.
Support Basic Needs
Can’t decide what gift to give? Give a Basket of Hope that supports basic needs. With fertilizer for farming, prenatal care, a back to school kit and a hand-washing station, your gift will help men, women and children.
Survivor's Kit for Trafficked Girls
Vulnerable women and children are exploited by human traffickers. Kits for trafficking survivors provide a month’s supply of food, medicine, bedding, clothing and hygiene items.
Sustain a Community
Can’t decide what gift to give? Give a Basket of Hope that sustains a community. Health exams, classroom desks, pigs and fruit trees will all help a community thrive.
Training for 50 Farmers
We know how to stop hunger. We teach farmers sustainable agriculture and support them in accessing markets so they can sell what they harvest. This is how they can move beyond subsistence farming and earn income that will help ensure a healthy future for their families and communities.
Training for a Savings Group Member
Savings-based microfinance groups teach people—mostly women—strategies for saving money. Group members can also invest and borrow to meet emergency needs and build businesses.
Transitional Shelter
After immediate needs are met, CRS often builds transitional shelters, semi-permanent housing that gives survivors safety, security and some of the comforts of home while they wait for permanent housing. Transitional shelters often include materials that can be reused in permanent homes.
Tricycle Ambulance
Many women in labor, and others in medical emergencies, must rely on stretchers, bikes, motorbikes or even their own feet to get to the closest health facility. In remote areas, transportation is inaccessible and walking is impossible. Ambulances made from motorized tricycles save lives.
Tuition for Child with Disabilities
Children with disabilities need extra support and costs add up. When given the chance to attend school, they receive education that improves their well-being—and futures.
Water Pump Tools and Training
With tools and training, communities learn to dig wells for accessible, safe water. Training for local mechanics helps them maintain sanitation systems and improve community health too.
Welcome Kit
After escape or rescue, a Welcome Kit can make trafficking survivors feel safe and at home once again. CRS works to prevent human trafficking worldwide and protect victims. Survivors receive psychosocial support and job training. Welcome Kits provide survivors with all the necessary items of home as soon as they arrive. Give human trafficking victims a welcome with hygiene items, clothes and bedding. Help a girl feel like herself again.
In poor communities, people with disabilities are often invisible and isolated, with limited opportunities to overcome physical challenges or participate in community life. A wheelchair can open doors to education, jobs and socialization that are crucial to well-being.
Winterization Kit
Kits help families in sub-standard housing survive cold winters. They include blankets, heaters, insulation and tarps to reinforce roofs and keep people dry.
5 Infant Scales
A simple scale allows health care providers to weigh children at monthly clinics. Weight gives important insights into nutrition, growth and overall health. At the clinics, mothers also receive important information on how to feed and care for their children.