Simply choose a gift that will help save, protect and transform the lives of our most vulnerable brothers and sisters–and then, choose a special card to personalize and let your loved one know you’ve given a Gift of Hope in their name.
All items in the gift catalog are actual goods and services provided to people CRS serves overseas. The gifts described in this catalog are symbolic of the good your donation will do for children, women and men in more than 100 countries.
Yes, once you check out, you can add a special note for your loved one to the ecard or printed card of your choosing.
You can read more about us at our home page, read about our programs here or follow us on Facebook. You can also sign-up to receive email updates, inspiring stories and emergency alerts.
Yes, all donations to CRS are tax-deductible and will be included in your year-end tax receipt.
Gift amounts represent averages. Actual costs may vary based on local economies.
All items in the gift catalog are actual goods and services provided to the people CRS serves around the world. The gifts described in this catalog are symbolic of the good your donation will do for children, women and men in more than 100 countries.